In quantum matter, all things in the world are made up of even smaller particles than the atom. These are called the subatomic particles: neutron, proton and electron. A beta particle is simply an electron. It is an electromagnetic particle or wave. Electromagnetic particles are high-energy particles that are emitted by the atom during radioactive decay. Since it is an electron, its charge must be -1 and it must come from outside the nucleus of the atom. From the choices, the answers would be:
<span>is electromagnetic energy
</span><span>has a -1 charge</span>
el cambio es capaz de deformar la superficie de la Tierra mediante la construcción de otras infraestructuras además de las urbanas yy casi el 150 % podria casuar que los humanos nos volvamos robots
I think the answer is <span>PCl5 + 4H2O → 5HCl + H3PO4
Atomic mass is just protons plus neutrons
Kinetic energy is energy that comes from motion. Anything that is currently in motion has kinetic energy.
Let’s look at each example to determine if they have kinetic energy.
First off, a car in the garage: let’s ask ourselves- Is the car in motion?
No, it is sitting in the garage. It is not moving; therefore it doesn’t have any kinetic energy.
Next, a box sitting on a shelf: let’s ask ourselves the same question- Is the box in motion?
No, it is sitting on the shelf. Again, it is not moving. It doesn’t have any kinetic energy.
Our third item is a ball lodged in a tree: again, we will ask ourselves the same question- Is the object moving?
No, it isn’t moving. Again, since it is not moving, it will not have kinetic energy.
Our last item is a frisbee flying through the air: asking ourselves the same question- Is it moving?
Yes, the object is moving. Yes, it has kinetic energy.
The frisbee flying through the air has kinetic energy.