It is the center about a body moves in planer motion. The velocity of Instantaneouscenter is zero and Instantaneous center can be lie out side or inside the body. About this center every particle of a body rotates.
From the diagram
Where these two lines will cut then it will the I-Center.Point A and B is moving perpendicular to the point I.
If we take three link link1,link2 and link3 then I center of these three link will be in one straight line It means that they will be co-linear.
Therefore, when the mass is at its equilibrium position (which corresponds to x=0), the velocity of the mass will be maximum.
The force of gravity is much weaker than the strong nuclear force. But the strong nuclear force only acts over short distances, such as within the nuclues. The gravitational force can act over infinite distance.
The answer is it increases the amount of solar
radiation that is redirected into space. Most of the particles emitted
from volcanoes cool the earth by covering entering solar radiation. The cooling
result can last for months to years contingent on the features of the eruption.