<span>Three-pronged firewall hope this helps!</span>
Minimize any apps/webpages on it you have open (your background has to be visible), left click with the mouse, hit Personalize, and it should have Backgrounds on the page if you scroll down. You can hit Browse to look through your files on the desktop for what you want.
A: used by ISP's to filter out email SPAM
C: a way to help an individual focus on best choices when deciding what to watch or buy.
Collaborative filtering uses a community-based approach to filter spam. It works by collecting numerous email users from around the world. By doing this, it becomes possible for users to flag emails that are spam and those that are legitimate.
Also Collaborative Filtering is one of the most efficient techniques for building a system that can help a user when it comes to recommending best choices based on information from a large number of users.
The <u>ARPANET </u>network became functional in 1969, linking scientific and academic researchers across the United States.
ARPA Net is the network that has become functional in 1969 in united States. The basic purpose of this network is to link all the researchers and scientists across united states. The full form of ARPANet is Advanced Research Project Agency Network.
The importance of this network is increase because small chunks of data that are called packets has been proposed for data transmission in the network. The data is divided into small packets and send it over the network, at destination point these packets are combined together and become orignal information.