1. Encoding Information
2. Storing Information
3. Retrieval Information
Option A
The statement makes sense since it's already explained that the galaxy is moving away from us and unlike option C which depicts that the galaxy is moving to us.
This statement makes sense. The redshift means that we see the galaxy moving away from us, so observers in that galaxy must also see us moving away from them—which means they see us redshifted as well
To solve this problem it is necessary to apply the concepts related to the Third Law of Kepler.
Kepler's third law tells us that the period is defined as

The given data are given with respect to known constants, for example the mass of the sun is

The radius between the earth and the sun is given by

From the mentioned star it is known that this is 8.2 time mass of sun and it is 6.2 times the distance between earth and the sun

Substituting in Kepler's third law:

Therefore the period of this star is 3.8years