Answer: At some point in your chemistry education, you may have been introduced to the song “The Elements in which Tom Lehrer does a rapid
fire musical rendition of all the elements' names. Like me, you may even have been offered the opportunity to memorize this song for extra credit. If so, it’s possible that you still remember the names of all the elements, which is an impressive feat—not to mention a fun trick to pull out at parties.
The carbons of the acetyl group oxidize which generate CO2, and in turn H2O.
The pyruvic acid that is generated during glycolysis enters the mitochondria. Inside this organelle, the acid molecules undergo a process called oxidative decaborxylation in which an enzyme of several cofactors is involved, one of which is coenzyme A. Pyruvic acid is transformed into an acetyl molecule and these are been introduced to the begining of the Krebs Cycle where the acetyl-group (2C) from acetyl-CoA is transferred to oxaloacetate (4C) to produce citrate (6C). As the molecule cycles the two carbons of the acetyl oxidize and are released in the form of CO2. Then the energy of the Krebs cycle becomes sufficient to reduce three NAD +, which means that three NADH molecules are formed. Although a small portion of energy is used to generate ATP, most of it is used to reduce not only the NAD + but also the FAD which, if oxidized, passes to its reduced state, FADH2
The correct answer is - A) The major constituents of air are gaseous elements.
With the statement ''the major constituents of air are gaseous elements'' we can easily conclude that the air is a mixture. The reason for that is that we have a plural usage of the word element, elements, which mean that there are multiple elements that make up the air.
The air is indeed predominantly a mixture of gaseous elements. The most abundant gas in the air being the nitrogen with 78.9%, oxygen with 20.95%, argon 0.93%, and carbon dioxide 0.04%, with lesser amounts of other gases also be present in it. The water vapor is also present in the air, though it is variable, being around 1% at sea level, but only 0.4% over the entire atmosphere.