True, you would use the ratio of minutes to seconds.
- a) Stratified random sampling, or simply stratified sampling. Each group individually is known as a stratum. The plural is strata. The key here is that each stratum is sampled, though we don't pick everyone from every stratum. We randomly select from each unit to have them represent their unit. Think of it like house of representative members that go to congress. We have members from every state, but Be sure not to mix this up with cluster sampling. Cluster sampling is where we break the population into groups or clusters, then we randomly select a few clusters in which every individual from those clusters is part of the sample.
- b) Simple random sampling (SRS). This is exactly what it sounds like. We're randomly generating numbers to help determine who gets selected. Think of it like a lottery. A computer is useful to make sure this process is quick, efficient and unbiased as possible. Though numbers in a box or a hat work just as well.
For each of the methods mentioned, they aren't biased since they have randomness built into their processes.
a^2b(7 + 10b + 14b^2)
Use wolframalpha for math questions, or photomath!
To solve this, factor out a^2b from the expression.
Answer is c
Step-by-step explanation:
In hypothesis testing whether to accept or reject null hypothesis, normally we find one method as using confidence interval. If the test statistic lies within confidence interval, we accept otherwise we reject.
For arriving confidence intervals we add and subtract margin of error from the mean we use in null hypothesis.
Margin of error = std error * critical value of test (Z or t etc)
For the same std deviation, std error = std dev/sq rt of sample size
Thus std error is inversely proportional to the square root of sample size.
If n becomes larger, std error becomes smaller and vice versa.
So margin of error increases for smaller sample size.
Since we have to select confidence level from a small sample, we have to select one which has the greatest margin of error=18
Hence answer is
c) 71%(+/-18%)
Step-by-step explanation:
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