Answer: 0.25 mol
Use the formula n=N/NA
n= number of mols
N = number of particles
Nᵃ = Avogadros constant = 6.02 x
So, n=
The 10 to the power of 23 cancels out and you are left with 1.505/6.02, which is approximately 1/4. This is the same as 0.25 mol.
Hope this helped :)
Both are similar concepts.
Sound is the vibration of air particles (compression and expansion) the can reach your ears. But you can have vibration being propagated in liquids and solids as well.
Some sounds are generated in structures, so the vibration of a structure is converted to sound in air — for instance, a loudspeaker.
The ozone layer of the Earth's atmosphere is what protects living things from too much ultraviolet radiation, if that's what you're asking about.