The whole question is talking about the amplitude of a wave
that's transverse and wiggling vertically.
Equilibrium to the crest . . . that's the amplitude.
Crest to trough . . . that's double the amplitude.
Trough to trough . . . How did that get in here ? Yes, that's
the wavelength, but it has nothing to do
with vertical displacement.
Frequency . . . that's how many complete waves pass a mark
on the ground every second. Doesn't belong here.
Notice that this has to be a transverse wave. If it's a longitudinal wave,
like sound or a slinky, then it may not have any displacement at all
across the direction it's moving.
It also has to be a vertically 'polarized' wave. If it's wiggling across
the direction it's traveling BUT it's wiggling side-to-side, then it has
no vertical displacement. It still has an amplitude, but the amplitude
is all horizontal.
The reading on the scale is greater than your actual weight.
Weight is the downward pull on an object due to gravity.
For example, the moon has less gravity than Earth so we would weigh less on the moon. Our Mass and volume always stay the same but our weight could change.
He repealed federal taxes, Jefferson reduced military spending. He bought Louisiana from France. Considering only all these positive points and leaving aside the negative ones, one would say that the statement that "Jefferson's administration was the beginning of popular government in the United States." Is True!