Roses are red, violets are blue. the answer were all looking for, is 42.
grass is green, yogis are lean, me---well i'm just mean.
now just one more, before i go. OMG look out your window!!!!!
did i get ya? no? ok then.
1) b. more quickly than
It is stated in the question that Albert's watch is ticking more slowly than more quickly than at the same rate as her own watch.
2) a. more slowly than
Albert's watch is ticking more slowly than more quickly than at the same rate as her own watch.
Diagram A is the correct diagram
Please find detailed explanation of second class levers below
Levers are one of the classes of machine that possesses three levels namely: first class, second class and third claas. A second class lever is the level of levers in which the load (L) is in between the pivot (F) and the effort (E).
Examples of second class levers include; wheelbarrow, a bottle opener etc. In the bottle opener for example, the bottle lid (load) is in between the pivot of the opener and the hand opening it (effort).
you can subtract the atomic number from the mass number to find the number of neutrons.