Answer: The moon would be bright and the earth would be darker because the sun is on the opposite side of the earth at that particular time and the light from the earth is reflecting off the moon to produce light upon the night also, you wouldn’t see the sun at night unless you lived in the north or south pole.
The moon would be bright and the earth would be darker because the sun is on the opposite side of the earth at that time and the light from it is reflecting off the moon to produce light upon the nigh also.......
To calculate the velocity of the sound wave, we use this formula: V = 331 + [0.6*T], Where V is the velocity and T represents temperature. When the temperature is 36 degree Celsius, we have V = 331 + [0.6 * 36] V = 331 + 21.6 = 352.6 Therefore, V = 352.6 m/s.