Homogeneous mixture is a mixture in which the components of the mixture are in the same proportion throughout any sample extracted from the mixture while an heterogeneous mixture is a mixture in which the components of the mixture differ in term of proportion when different samples of the mixture are extracted and compared.
For example, a sandy water will have some parts (usually the bottom) of the mixture with more sand than other parts of the mixture, hence, it (sandy water) is a heterogeneous mixture. While salty and ocean water has it's salt dissolved in the same proportion throughout the water in the mixture, hence salty and/or ocean water is a homogeneous mixture.
Sandy water can be separated by filtration (i.e using a filter paper to separate the sand from the water when the mixture is poured over a filter paper) while salty and ocean water can be separated by distillation (i.e boiling of the mixture so the water molecules can boil and move through a tube as gas or steam into another container where they are cooled and converted back to liquid or water while leaving the solid salt component of the mixture in the boiling tube).
Three chemical elements: hydrogen, oxygen, and helium.
The difference between metals and metalloids is: metalloids have properties in between those of the metals and non-metals and are semiconductors.
The periodic table is organized by the elemts atomic number, it goes from the element with the lowest atomic number (which is hydrogen) to the element with the highest atomic number (oganesson)
Hope this helps :)
The atomic radius of elements are used to estimate the sizes of elements. The atomic radius is taken as half of the inter-nuclear distance between two covalently bonded atoms of non-metallic elements or half of the distance between two nuclei in the solid state of metals.
To solve this problem we will obtain the atomic radius values of the given elements from a standard atomic radius table;
Si 111 pm
P 98 pm
Cl 79 pm
S 87pm
pm = picometer
We see that chlorine has the least atomic radius
To measure length scientists may use rulers, meter sticks, etc. and to measure mass they may use a balance.