Explanation gives the answer
% Using MATLAB,
% Matlab file : fieldtovar.m
function varargout = fieldtovar(S)
% function that accepts single structure as input, assigning each
% of the field values to user-defined variables
fields = fieldnames(S); % get the field names of the input structure
% check if number of user-defined variables and number of fields in
% structure are equal
if nargout == length(fields)
% if equal assign each value of structure to user-defined varable
for i=1:nargout
varargout{i} = getfield(S,fields{i});
% if not equal display an error message
error('The number of output variables does not equal the number of fields');
%This brings an end to the program
Usually the first digit of the vin id’s the country it was built. So technician A would be correct. That’s usually how it is. Hope this helps. Please let me know if this is incorrect
Technician B is right.
Air conditioning refrigerant contains Freon R22 and R410a, which have been linked to environmental damages, including ozone depletion, global warming, and energy-inefficiency. For environmentally-savvy entities and individuals, there is the modern move to a more environment-friendly refrigerant, known as R-32. Technician A's advice to vent the refrigerant outside the shop is in bad taste. He does not seem to be aware of the environmental footprint of such an action. Venting gas outside, in addition to the environmental damages, is also a waste of resources, and therefore, costly. This is why Technician B's advice should be preferred.
See explaination and attachment.
Navier-Stokes equation is to momentum what the continuity equation is to conservation of mass. It simply enforces F=ma in an Eulerian frame.
The starting point of the Navier-Stokes equations is the equilibrium equation.
The first key step is to partition the stress in the equations into hydrostatic (pressure) and deviatoric constituents.
The second step is to relate the deviatoric stress to viscosity in the fluid.
The final step is to impose any special cases of interest, usually incompressibility.
Please kindly check attachment for step by step solution.