Abuses alcohol
Alcohol abuse is a general term for any level of risk, from increased drinking to alcohol dependence. Alcohol abuse can produce physical or mental health damage, even in the absence of addiction. Alcohol abuse is different from alcoholism because it does not include an uncontrollable urge to drink, loss of control or physical dependence. And yet alcohol abuse is less likely to include tolerance than alcoholism (the need to increase amounts of alcohol to experience the same effects as before). Jamie has alcohol abuse, although he is not alcohol dependent, his alcohol abuse has already caused many problems in his life.
That contraceptives such as condoms protect from STD's but not 100% protection from babies. Contraceptives such as the pill or IUD's do not protect against STD's but not completely effective either. Appropriate personal limits may include reducing the amount of sex you have or only doing what you are comfortable with
The height of the tree is 12 m
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