The answer is the most probable location of electrons in an atom
The basic difference between thin layer chromatography (TLC) and paper chromatography (PC) is that, while the stationary phase in PC is paper, the stationary phase in TLC is a thin layer of an inert substance supported on a flat, unreactive surface. ... Paper chromatography is performed using paper.
In a way, all of the answers could be argued for (for example: in the first option: if the scientists' opinions are understood to be "informed understanding of the causes of events"), but one of the options is the best:
Scientific laws describe specific relationships in nature without offering
an explanation.
The reason why I think this is true is that many laws are phased too short and too concise to provide comprehensive explanations, instead they describe the relationships that must hold.
One of the options is pplain false:
Scientific laws explain why natural events occur. -"Scientific laws were theories that have been tested, proven, and adopted as laws." - since they are not adopted as laws.
The explanation of the processes in which pigments are involved (capturing light and forming ATP and NADPH) is given in the following paragraphs)
Pigments are molecules with the capacity of absorbing light. Each pigment captures light of a specific wavelength. Plants contain different types of pigments like chlorophylls, xanthophylls, carotenoids, and others.
Chloroplasts (organelles present in cells of plants), contain pigmants that absorb solar radiation, triggering a series of reactions collectively known as photosynthesis. When light incides on a pigment, an electron of this molecules is excitated, goes into another level of energy and starts to pass through a series of carrier molecules to finally to a final aceptor of electrons. During this transport, part of the energy contained in the electron is used to generates a hydrogen gradient that provides energy. As a result of these processes, a molecule that is called NADP+ accepts two electrons and an hydrogen to form NADPH, while another molecule known as ADP captures an atom of phosphorous and gives rise to ATP (through the action of a protein called ATP sintase)..
The correct answer is false. The statement given does not describe a property in general. However, it speaks of a specific type of property which is the physical property. This property is the one that does not change the identity of a substance. A property can also be a chemical property where the identity of a substance is changed.