3 moles oxgyen atoms in 1 mole .
hope this helps!
The acid must be a concentrated acid
Ethene is prepared in the laboratory by heating ethanol with excess concentrated tetraoxosulphate VI acid at 170°C . The reactionoccursc in two stages;
1) when the ethanol and sulphuric acid are mixed in a ratio of 1:2, ethyl hydrogentetraoxosulpate VI is formed
2) The compound formed in the first step is heated in the presence of excess concentrated sulphuric acid to give ethene and sulphuric acid.
The overall reaction can be perceived as the dehydration of ethanol. The gas produced (ethene) is usually passed through sodium hydroxide solution to remove any gaseous impurities present.
concentrated sulphuric acid is used in this process since it is a good dehydrating agent.
A reaction is non-spontaneous at any temperature when the Gibbs free energy > 0.
There is a state function, that determines if a reaction is sponaneous or non spontaneous:
ΔG = Gibbs free energy
A reaction is non spontaneous when it does require energy to produce that reaction. It will be spontaneous, when the reaction does not require energy to be occured.
The formula is: ΔG = ΔH - T.ΔS
ΔH → Enthalpy → Energy gained or realeased as heat.
ΔH < 0 → <em>Exothermic reaction. Spontaneity is favored
T → Temperature
ΔS → Entropy → Degree of disorder of a system.
When the system has a considered disorder ΔS > 0, disorder increases.
When the system is more ordered, ΔS < 0, disorder decreases.
The reaction will be non spontaneous if, the enthalpy is positive (endothermic reaction) and the ΔS < 0 (disorder decreases). It will not occur if we do not give energy.
ΔG < 0 → Spontaneous reaction
ΔG > 0 → Non spontaneous reaction
ΔG = 0 → System in equilibrium
You see the middle layer of the sun’s atmosphere, the Chromosphere, at the start and end of a total eclipse.