Compound are formed by two or more elements chemically combined. For example: H^2O is the water formula, this is a compound because you two elements which are Hydrogen and Oxygen and together they form a compound. The (^2) is the amount of atoms the formula has, in this case Hydrogen has two atoms and Oxygen is neutral.
Process 1 is pollination and Process 2 is germination
Pollination is the act of transferring pollen grains from the male anther of a flower to the female stigma. The goal of every living organism, including plants, is to create offspring for the next generation. One of the ways that plants can produce offspring is by making seeds.
Germination refers to the process by which an organism grows from a seed or a spore. The most common forms of germination include a seed sprouting to form a seedling and the formation of a sporeling from a spore. Thus, germination occurs primarily in plant and fungal species.
I hope this help :)
good luck
O valence electron number is the answer
1) They are the same line so they match equally bc they are measuring the same thing just one is more specific than the other
2) Sonar measures all depths at every possible point and maps it including all the gaps in between the 5cm apart the ocean floor is. The difference between the points could be a cliff or a smooth decline.
'The Sedimentary rock formed from years of sediments piling on top of it and being compressed.'