Addition reactions with benzenes lead to the loss of aromaticity.
Benzene and its derivatives undergo a type of substitution reaction in which a hydrogen atom is replaced by a substituent, but the stable aromatic benzene ring is regenerated at the end of the mechanism.
Benzene and its derivatives tend to undergo electrophilic aromatic substitution reactions.
When you are running the most important force that you should understand is friction. Friction is a force that opposes movement between two objects, but for runners friction makes you faster. Friction gives you a better and more efficient way to use your energy into speed.
Hello! The nontoxic, nonflammable chemicals containing atoms of carbon, chlorine, and fluorine that have created a hole in the ozone layer are the Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)
These are compounds developed and improved by Thomas Midgley in the late 1920s. They were used as refrigerants and aerosol propellants.
These compounds created a hole in the ozone layer by the following reactions:
CCl₃F → CCl₂F· + Cl· (In the presence of light. Radical Reaction)
Cl· + O₃ → ClO + O₂
ClO + O₃ → Cl· + O₂
The last 2 reactions can repeat in a radical mechanism and explain why these compounds are so harmful to the ozone layer.
Speed of light
According to Einstein, the speed of light is constant in all points of reference. In addition, he pointed out the speed of light is the maximum speed known since in practice one can never catch up with the beam of light. This is explained by his theory of relativity.
I do not have enough information to tell
This is deduced due to the fact that if the net force due to B and C on A is zero, the charges on B and C could either be positive or negative depending on the charge on A.