C. 0.37V. A capacitor of 650x10⁻⁴F that stores 24x10⁻³C has a potential difference of 0.37V between its plates.
The key to solve this problem is using the capacitance equation C = Q/Vᵃᵇ, where C is the capacitance, Q the charge stored in the plates, and Vᵃᵇ the potential difference between the plates.
A 650x10⁻⁴F capacitor stores 24x10⁻³C, clear Vᵃᵇ for the equation:
C = Q/Vᵃᵇ -----------> Vᵃᵇ = Q/C
Vᵃᵇ = 24x10⁻³C/650x10⁻⁴F = 0.37V
c) Water molecules melt into gas molecules.
Mirages happen when the ground is very hot and the air is cool.
They happen when light passes through two layers of air with different temperatures. The desert sun heats the sand, which in turn heats the air just above it. The hot air bends light rays and reflects the sky.
When you see it from a distance, the different air masses colliding with each other act as a mirror.
The Hooke's law is a principal of physics that states that the force needed to extend or compress a spring by some distance x scales linearly with respect to that distance.
Yes! Thinking about it graphically a position vs time graph models meters per second in most cases, making every point on the line have the units m/s. If we want the find the slope we are finding the change between each point and those units would change to m/s/s or m/s^2 giving us the same units for acceleration. Simply put, slope of a velocity graph gives us acceleration.