The number, such as 98.7 FM, of a radio station represents:
- <u>the frequency in which is transmitted the radio signal</u>.
<em>The radio FM is the modulated frequency, which means that all the information is sent by just a signal, with different frequencies which difference them</em>, <u>the radio FM use the frequencies from 88 MHz until 108 Mhz (MHz is a measuring unit for the frequency), with a minimal space among them of 0.2 MHz</u>, this last means that you could find a signal in 88.0 MHz, and the next should be 88.2 MHz, next 88.4 MHz and so (at least, regularly the space between two frequencies is more than 0.2 MHz).
Crystsals can precipitate out of solution when some of the solvent is evaporated. For example, if you have sodium chloride in solution and you evaporate out the water some sodium chloride crystals will form. I hope this helps. Let me know if anything is unclear.
i dont have a clue i dont know h ave a lcue