Cnidarians were the first phylum that scientists saw tissue level organization in. Tissue level organization meaning cells all of one type start to function in a unified way.
Answer: Carbon Monoxide is a very harmful and toxic gas which is formed from incomplete combustion of carbon.
Explanation: red blood cells contain haemoglobin ,which are responsible for carrying oxygen into our body system. So oxygen combines with haemagoblin to form oxyhaemogoblin in the red blood cells .
so if a person starts to intake cigarettes which contain high amounts of carbon monoxide ,it reduces oxyhaemogoblin formation because it binds very tightly to the haemogoblin .then carboxyhaemogoblin is formed and its permanent so causing reduction in aerobic respiration, and reduction in oxygen transport and causing damages to heart muscles.
Hope this helps if you need any more explanation feel free to comment in the comment section below !!!
The miRNA functions as a guide by base-pairing with target mRNA to negatively regulate its expression.
Whereas, CRISPR technology is a simple yet powerful tool for editing genomes. It allows researchers to easily alter DNA sequences and modify gene function. Its many potential applications include correcting genetic defects, treating and preventing the spread of diseases and improving crops.
Answer:Prokaryotes are organisms whose cells do not contain a distinct nucleus, bounded by a nuclear envelope, in contrast to eukaryotic organisms that do have distinct nuclei. Prokaryotes include both the bacteria and the archaea, which appear to be only distantly related to bacteria.