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A collision in which both total momentum and total kinetic energy are conserved
In classical physics, we have two types of collisions:
- Elastic collision: elastic collision is a collision in which both the total momentum of the objects involved and the total kinetic energy of the objects involved are conserved
- Inelastic collision: in an inelastic collision, the total momentum of the objects involved is conserved, while the total kinetic energy is not. In this type of collisions, part of the total kinetic energy is converted into heat or other forms of energy due to the presence of frictional forces. When the objects stick together after the collision, the collisions is called 'perfectly inelastic collision'
I think that when a book hits the ground its potential energy converts into kinetic energy and then kinetic energy is transformed into sound and heat energy.
That is when water from the air collects as a drop. also can be rain.