Tap water and rain water are both homogeneous, even though they may have different levels of dissolved minerals and gases. A bottle of alcohol is a man-made homogeneous mixture, from a fine Italian wine to a glass of Scotch whisky. In the human body, blood plasma is an example of a homogeneous mixture.
Electronegativity is a measure of the ability of an atom to attract the electrons when the atom is part of a compound. Electronegativity values generally increase from left to right across the periodic table. The highest electronegativity value is for fluorine.
As we can see from the graphical data,
The distance covered by all the four runners is the same 5 km.
Among the four athletes, Athlete P covers the distance in under three hours.
It is the minimum time taken among the four athletes.
Thus Athlete P covers the 5 km distance in the minimum amount of time.
We know that speed = 
Since time taken for P is minimum, his speed is the maximum. P ran the fastest.
Time taken by Q = 4.5 hours.
Speed of Q = 
= 1.1 km/ hr
Time taken by R = 6 hours.
Speed of R = 
= 0.8 km/ hr