We will balance the equation in the following order: metals, amethals, carbon, hydrogen and oxygen (the most common order).
The metal present in the equation is Sr, which is already balanced (there are 1 on each side of the equation).
The amethal present in the equation is Cl. There is 2 Cl in the left side and only one in the right side. So, we will multiply the quantity of the molecule that contains Cl by 2. Doing this, we'll obtain:
Looking at the equation, we can see that it is now fully balanced. Hence, a balanced equation of the reaction is:
false evaporation is change of state
boiling point is temperaturw of liquid
In stars helium atoms are used with hydrogen atoms in order to produce energy.
Answer: A )
Alchemy is a practice of making gold from other metals.
Alchemy is a method which is practiced by the ancient scientists of Europe, Africa and Asia trying to produced gold from other metals. This method was failed to produced gold from metals and all scientist suggested that metals can not be converted into gold. Greeks were the people who presented the theory of alchemy in the first few centuries of CE.
Methane is lighter than air, having a specific gravity of 0.554. It is only slightly soluble in water. It burns readily in air, forming carbon dioxide
and water vapour; the flame is pale, slightly luminous, and very hot.
The boiling point of methane is −162 °C (−259.6 °F) and the melting
point is −182.5 °C (−296.5 °F). Methane in general is very stable, but
mixtures of methane and air, with the methane content between 5 and 14
percent by volume, are explosive. Explosions of such mixtures have been
frequent in coal mines and collieries and have been the cause of many
mine disasters.