Through the process of selective breeding. breeders take cats with certain traits and breed them so their offspring will have the desired traits
Yes, because vaccines help prevent diseases whereas antibiotics help cure them. (it’s better to prevent)
Stop habitat destruction
Cutting down and burning forests basically take away the shelter, hunting grounds, and overall habitat away from many species that use the trees as a form of shelter and protection. Removing their shelter, which could be their only form of protection causes many of these organisms to die, not to mention the plants that are necessary to keep the food chain balanced.
Uncompetitive inhibitor.
Enzymes are the biological catalysts that catalyze the biological process and metabolic activity of the body. Without enzymes, all the biological activity becomes very slow. Enzyme provides suitable speed for the biological process. All enzymes are made up of protein. The uncompetitive inhibitor is the type of enzyme that only disturbs or affects multi-substrate enzymes and joins to enzymes only after one substrate has bound.
We must first define these three prominent definitions of species. Biological species concept means that organisms resemble each other because of genes being passed from parent to offspring. Phylogenetic species concept means that organisms resemble each other because they evolved from a common ancestor. Lastly, morphological species concept characterizes species on the structure of their body parts rather than genetic or phylogeny.
In this case, (1) biological species concept is not applicable for extinct species, (2) phylogenetic species concept is based on evolutionary history, (3) morphological species concept relies on similarities in structure, (4) Morphological and phylogenetic species concept accommodates asexual reproduction, and lastly (5) all species concepts are used by scientists in classification.