Either a bachelor's degree in visual arts, specializing in photography, or specialized training in photography in high school, college or specialized training schools
or extensive on-the-job training under the supervision of a professional photographer.
Leap seconds
A leap second is a phenomenon in time science in which a one-second adjustment is applied at a certain period to a Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), for the purpose of keeping the year and a second synced.
However, due to the variation in Earth's rotation speed in response to climatic and geological events, UTC leap seconds are mostly irregularly spaced and unpredictable.
Hence, computer programmers and astronomers are in a dispute over LEAP SECONDS
private speech
Rachel, age 3, walks by her grandmother' s collection of glass animals and says, "Those are a no-no ; can't touch those." According to Vygotsky, Rachel is using private speech to self-regulate her behavior. social speech thoughts private speech infant-directed speech
potential energy I hope this helps :)