320÷((11−9)32(11−9)32) x 8
320÷((352-288)(352-288) x 8
320÷(64 x 64) x 8
320÷4096 x 8
0.078125 x 8
Analogous or equivalent in character, form, or function; comparable.
I hope that this answer helps you.
No, Lonnie is not correct because the correct answer is 5/6. If you do 35/42 divide both by 7, it'll be 5/6.
First off, let's take a look at what these numbers are:
Real numbers: It can be any numbers,both rational and irrational.
Natural numbers: The number has to be integer and positive.
Integers: A number without fraction or demical place.
Whole number: The number has to be natural and cannot be negative.
Therefore, as 12 is a positive number with no demical place or fraction, it is real numbers,integers, whole numbers, and natural numbers.
Hope it helps!