Consider the cross section to the right with an overall height h 4.2 inch, bottom flange plate width b1-2.5 inch, top flange pla
te width b2-2.0 inch, and the web and both flange plates have a thickness of t-0.25 inch. The center of coordinate system is located at the centroid of the cross-section area. a) Find the y distance of centroid for the cross section to the bottom edge in inch. b) Find the Sx section modulus in inch3. c) The section is rotated counter-clockwise 20 degrees about its centroid. Find the rotated l moment of inertia in inch4. d) Find the rotated Iky product of inertia in inch4.
The potential difference between cloud and ground leads to ionization of the atmosphere and resulting conduction through the air often to ground (although it can be between clouds at different potentials. I would say grounding, like the spark when you touch a hot battery terminal to ground on a car.
As light is an electromagnetic wave that causes sensation of sight.
Every electromagnetic wave has electrical and magnetic components in it which are perpendicular to the direction of propagation of wave.
The electrical and magnetic components are mutually perpendicular to each other in an electromagnetic wave.
The speed of light in vacuum is c=3\times 10^{8}\ m.s^{-1}, which decreases when it passes through a matter (precisely a transparent medium) which allows the passage of light through it. When the light passes through some transparent matter then its speed decreases as compared to the speed of light in vacuum.