That's called the "Cosmic Microwave Background". (CMB)
It was discovered in 1965, and its discoverers were awarded
the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1978.
<em>It's a test on Geography!
1. The respiratory system functions when our involuntary nervous system sends impulses to the muscles in the diaphragm; thereby, causing the lungs to expand and contract.
2. The respiratory system oxygenates the blood which is vital for bodily function as oxygenated blood is carried from your lungs to the left side of your heart, to be circulated throughout the body. Furthermore deoxygenated blood is carried back to the right side of your heart to get oxygenated once more.
3. The other body systems that are crucial for the lungs to function are the nervous system and the muscular system.
4. without the raspatory system the body wouldn't receive any oxygen and the brain would slowly die. therefore, without the brain the heart would stop functioning and atrophy etc.
It is True I took the test