The mass of jupiter is 300 times the mass of the earth. Jupiter orbits the sun with Tjupiter = 11.9 yr in an orbit with Rjupiter
= 5.2 Rearth. Suppose the earth could be moved to the distance of Jupiter and placed in a circular orbit around the sun. Which of the following describes the earth's new period? EXPLAIN a) 1 yr
b) between 1 yr and 11.9 yr
c) 11.9 yr
d) more than 11.9 yr
e) It would depend on the earth's speed.
f) It's impossible for a planet of earth's mass to orbit at the distance of Jupiter.
The orbital period is proportional to r^(3/2) and does not depend on the satellite's mass. Any object at Jupiter position will have the same orbital period regardless of mass.
By keppler's law we know that
T^2= r^3
T= orbital time period
r= mean distance of the planet from the Sun.
clearly, The orbital period does not depend on the satellite's mass