A photoelectric cell is an electronic device which is used to convert light energy into electric energy.The operation of this device is based on photoelectric effect.
Light of suitable frequency i.e greater or equal to threshold frequency will fall on the cathode maintained at negative potential.The electron emission will take place and these electrons are drifted towards the anode which is at positive potential.
Here,only those radiations will be capable of emitting electrons irrespective of surface barrier of metals whose energy is greater than the work function.
We know that the radiation having long wavelength has least energy as energy and wavelength are inversely proportional to each other.

Here h is the Planck's constant,c is the velocity of light.
Here we have been given red light and blue light.
In the visible spectrum of radiation, the red light has longer wavelength than all other colors of light.Hence blue light has more energy as it's wavelength is less as compared to red light.
Hence, the blue light will activate the most and red the least.