I think it's E
When reading the passage, we understand that the author opposes the first sentence. The second sentence would effectively validate the first statement if it were correct, in which case, it would make the author's point invalid.
A is not correct because the author does not support the first idea.
B is not correct because although the author actually contests the first sentence, the author does not accept the findings in the following sentence.
C is not correct since the author thinks the first sentence is invalid, but the second sentence does not validate that sentence.
D is not correct since both the first and second sentences oppose the author's opinion.
Always check for a pulse
If person has collapsed like in this scenario, someone else should call an ambulance while you continue to assess the situation (unless you are the only person their to help. If so, begin the defibrillator process first then call after you have finished all instructions given).
Have someone else run to get the nearest defibrillator possible.
The defibrillator itself with start to talk, telling you instruction you must follow carefully, once those instructions are complete make sure you have absolutely no contact with the body as it will start its electrical pulse
If by chance the person has their wallet accessible anywhere beside their clothing (thing purse or maybe they had dropped it earlier) try to get as much information as possible about the person to the emergency services as possible)
Things to look for are drivers license, business card, sometimes a medical card if this person has any other medical problems (if so tell emergency services if they are still on the phone at this point or when they arrive on the scene)
Send someone outside to wait for emergency services to guide them to wear you are at and never leave the patient alone
This simply means, when thinking about issues hat face the world today, instead of thinking about little issues that bug you or your town, think about issues affecting everyone in their daily lives, such as daylight savings and global warming. By acting locally, this means completing tasks no matter how big or small within your local area to help face these global issues. For example, acting against global warming on a local scale would be simply to educate the town or city as to what it is and how it can be prevented. Knowledge is power.
Various tissues if organs look under each other under a microscope.