I would use calorimetric to determine the specific heat and I would measure the mass of a sample
I would use calorimetry to determine the specific heat.
I would measure the mass of a sample of the substance.
I would heat the substance to a known temperature.
I would place the heated substance into a coffee-cup calorimeter containing a known mass of water with a known initial temperature.
I would wait for the temperature to equilibrate, then calculate temperature change.
I would use the temperature change of water to determine the amount of energy absorbed.
I would use the amount of energy lost by substance, mass, and temperature change to calculate specific heat.
Nitrogen can form a diatomic molecule held together by triple bonds.
D. To ensure the cooling process is not affected by surrounding temperature
The conical flask acts as a <u>t</u><u>e</u><u>m</u><u>p</u><u>e</u><u>r</u><u>a</u><u>t</u><u>u</u><u>r</u><u>e</u><u> </u><u>j</u><u>a</u><u>c</u><u>k</u><u>e</u><u>t</u><u>.</u>
Which sequence of events is required to form a limestone cave where you can walk around and observe cave formations, such as stalactites? (Note: stalactites hang from the ceiling - they have to hold on tight to the roof.)
A geological sequence of events as involving the lowering of the water table to expose cave structures where stalactites and stalagmites form which is described as follows,
1. Acidic percolated water formed cavities of solution beneath the natural water table known as phreatic zone
2. After the passage of time there is a drop in the water table dropped forming caves from cavities
3. These caves, which are air filled voids that contains adequate environment for forming stalactites and stalagmites and where they are found
At one atmosphere and twenty-five degrees Celsius, could you turn it into a liquid by cooling it down? Um, and the key here is that the triple point eyes that minus fifty six point six degrees Celsius and it's at five point eleven ATMs. So at one atmospheric pressure, there's no way that you're ever going to reach the liquid days. So the first part of this question is the answer The answer to the first part of a question is no. How could you instead make the liquid at twenty-five degrees Celsius? Well, the critical point is at thirty-one point one degrees Celsius. So you know, if you're twenty-five, if you increase the pressure instead, you will briefly by it, be able to form a liquid. And if you continue Teo, you know, increase the pressure eventually form a salad, so increasing the pressure is the second part. If you increase the pressure of co two thirty-seven degrees Celsius, will you ever liquefy? No. Because then, if you're above thirty-one point one degrees Celsius in temperature. You'LL never be able to actually form the liquid. Instead, you'LL only is able Teo obtain supercritical co too, which is really cool thing. You know, they used supercritical sio tu tio decaffeinated coffee without, you know, adding a solvent that you'LL be able to taste, which is really cool. But no, you can't liquefy so two above thirty-one degrees Celsius or below five-point eleven atmospheric pressures anyway, that's how I answer this question. Hope this helped :)