Which description best explains a molecular bonding? Shares electrons
A covalent bond is also known also known as molecular bonding because sharing of electrons occur between two or more atoms.
- Molecular bonds are formed between two or more atoms having zero or very small electronegativity difference between them.
- This bond type exists between molecules of non-metals.
- Each of the atom tends to share the valence electrons in their outer energy levels to be able to mimic the noble gas structure.
- This bond type results in formation of molecules.
Learn more:
Covalent bonds brainly.com/question/6029316
Isotopes of the same elements always have the same Z-number
Isotopes of an element have the same electronic configuration hence they have the same chemical properties.
- isotopy is the existence of two or more atoms of the same element having the same atomic number but different mass numbers.
- This is due to the differences in the number of neutrons in their various nuclei.
A- number is the mass number or atomic mass number of an atom.
Z-number is the atomic number of an atom
Isotopes have the same atomic number.
Learn more:
Isotopes brainly.com/question/4551913
Some of the heavy particles bounced off the foil, because there is a dense, positive area in the atom.
- Rutherford performed an experiment that gave that atomic model a significant leap.
- He found out most alpha particles passed through the foil while a few of them deflected back.
- He proposed that an atom is made up of a small positively charge center where nearly all the mass is concentrated.
Learn more:
Rutherford brainly.com/question/1859083
Burning paper
- A chemical change is one in which a new kind of matter is formed.
- Chemical changes are always accompanied by energy changes which can be absorption or evolution.
- These processes are not easily reversible.
- It involves a change in mass
- It requires considerable amount of energy.
When a paper is burnt, it turns to ashes. Ashes cannot be turned back into a paper. This is a chemical change.
Learn more:
Chemical change brainly.com/question/9388643
It remains the same
When the number of neutrons in an atom increases, the atomic number stays the same.
- The atomic number is the number of protons in an atom.
- Protons are positively charged particles in the nucleus of an atom.
- When the number of neutrons changes, the mass number changes.
- Neutrons have no effect on the number of protons in an atom.
- They are both sub-atomic particles with electrons
Learn more:
Atomic number brainly.com/question/5425825
Equal number of protons and electrons
Protons are the positively charged particles in atom. Electrons are the negatively charged particles in an atom.
- Every atom is electrically neutral.
- Electrical neutrality is achieved when the number of protons and electrons are the same.
- In atoms, this number is the same.
- If the number differs, such an atom is called an ion.
Learn more:
Cations and anions brainly.com/question/4223679
11 electrons
In a neutral atom, the number of protons and electrons are the same.
- Protons are the positively charged particles in an atom.
- Electrons are the negatively charged particles in an atom.
- Neutrons do not carry any charges in an atom.
- A charged atom is an atom that has lost or gained electrons.
- In a neutral atom, the number of protons and electrons are the same.
Learn more:
Cations and anions brainly.com/question/4223679
Thomson D) Electrons
Rutherford B) Nucleus
Bohr C) Electron energy levels
Schrodinger A) Electron cloud and orbitals
- J.J Thomson experimented on gas discharge tubes and this led to the discovery of electrons as a subatomic particle. He called the particles cathode rays.
- Ernest Rutherford performed the gold foil experiment that gave the modelling of the atom a significant boost. He found that most of the alpha particles passed through the foil while a few of them deflected back. To explain this, he suggested that an atom is made up of a positively charged center where nearly all the mass is concentrated.
- Neil Bohr suggested that the extranuclear space is made up of electrons in specific spherical orbits. Electrons move round the nucleus in certain permissible orbits called energy levels.
- Erwin Schrodinger formulated the wave equation for electrons. He suggested that the region of maximum probability of where n electron is located is referred to as an electron cloud or orbital.
Learn more:
Nells Bohr brainly.com/question/4986277
Rutherford brainly.com/question/1859083