The Sumerians' technological advancements in the area of warfare. What effects did these advancements have on battle strategy
(What a budget is) A budget is a quantitative expression of a plan for a defined period of time. It may include planned sales volumes and revenues, resource quantities, costs and expenses, assets, liabilities and cash flows. (How to make a budget) figure out your after-tax income. If you get a regular pay-check, choose a budgeting plan. Any budget must cover your needs. (How to balance it) Establish you budget before creating a budget review your financial history, separate the necessities from the wants, track your expenses.
Psychodynamic perspective focuses on how our behavior is determined by the unconscious mind.
B Greek
The international use of Greek was one condition that enabled the spread of Christianity, as indicated for example by the choice of Greek as the language of the New Testament in the Bible and its use for the ecumenical councils of the Christian Roman Empire rather than Latin.