- rise of chemoautotrophs and photoautotrophs
- rise of cyanobacteria - a specific type of phototroph that shares homology with chloroplast genome
- rise of eukaryotes
- rise of multicellularity
- rise of bryophytes - mosses
- rise of gymnosperms - conifers, cycads & ginkgo
- rise of angiosperms - flowering plants
Plants are multicellular organisms that have evolved the ability to live on land. The vast majority can carry out photosynthesis, but they are not the only organisms with this ability: many protists can photosynthesize too, as can several important groups of bacteria.
Plants are thought to have evolved from a class of freshwater green algae called the charophytes. Two particular groups of charophyte, the Coleochaetales and the Charales, resemble the earliest land plants (bryophytes) in a variety of ways, including the structure of their chloroplasts and sperm cells, and the way their cells divide during mitosis .
Healthy eating can help prevent many chronic diseases. These include obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes. Around half of all Americans have one or more of these illnesses. Healthy eating habits are more likely to stay with you if you learn them as a child.
Whereas a change in a person may take 10-50 years to manifest itself, changes in the earth can take millions of years to become apparent. Also, humans may experience changes in their personalities as well as in their bodies, while changes in the earth are never psychological.
Dna exists in the cells of all living organisms and dna proves evolution