When we rub balloon on a shirt the balloon will steal electrons from the shirt and the shirt will become positively charged and balloon will negatively charged.<span>The reason that the balloon will stick to the wall is because the negative charges in the balloon will make the electrons in the wall move to the other side of their atoms and this leaves the surface of the wall positively charged.</span>
<span>The question is asking how many moons Venus, the planet, has and the answer is 0 -Venus doesn't have any moons. Another planet that doesn't have any moons is Mercury. Earth has one moon and Mars has two moons. Jupiter has 4 moons and the most impressive is Saturn, with its 53 confirmed moons (as claimed by Nasa)!</span>
There is not enough information to answer the question
Statistical syllogism
An inductive argument is an argument in which it is thought that the premises provide reasons supporting the probable truth of the conclusion. In an inductive argument, the premises are intended only to be so strong that, if they are true, then it is unlikely that the conclusion is false.
The Statistical syllogism or proportional syllogism or direct presumption is a non-deductive syllogism. It argues from a sweeping statement true for the most part to a particular case in opposite to induction, which argue from specific cases to generalizations.