C. The voltage drop across the resistor is 2.1V and nothing about the current through the resistor.
When connected in parallel, voltage across the resistances are the same. So if 2.1V was dropped across the LED then 2.1V was also dropped across the resistor. However, this tells us nothing about the current through the resistor. We can find the current across the resistor if we know the resistance of the resistor, but that's about it.
If it were a series connection, then the current would have been the same, but the voltage drop were another story.
(a): The car's relative position to the base of the cliff is x= 32.52m.
(b): The lenght of the car in the ir is tfall= 1.78 sec.
Vo= 0
V= ?
d= 50m
h= 30m
a= 4 m/s²
t= √(2*d/a)
t= 5 sec
V= a*t
V= 20 m/s
Vx= V * cos(24º)
Vx= 18.27 m/s
Vy= V* sin(24º)
Vy= 8.13 m/s
h= Vy*t + g*t²/2
clearing t:
tfall= 1.78 sec (b)
x= Vx * tfall
x= 32.52 m (a)
We know the information about atomic size, energy, electronic configuration etc. of atom from the periodic table.
- Periodic table is the arrangement of elements that are arranged according to their properties and electronic configuration.
- In periodic table, on furthest right side of the periodic table, noble gases like He, Ne, Ar etc are arranged.
- The atomic number of element increases while moving from left towards right in the periodic table.
- The metallic character of element decreases as we proceed the table towards right.
- They readily accept electron to fill the valence shell hence becoming more metallic in character.
The solution to this ques is available in the image.
Force= 1N
Mass= 0.11kg
Time= 5sec
Force= mass X accelaration
Accelaration= velocity/ time
Speed=distance/ time
Hence, the speed is 45 m/s and the distance is 225 m.
To know more about speed and distance problems the link is given below: