Role is defined below
A small GTP-binding protein, is an important module of the signal transduction pathway used by growth factors to initiate cell growth and differentiation. Cellular activation with growth factors such as epidermal growth factor (EGF) induces Ras to move from an inactive state linked to GDP to an active state linked to GTP. In recent times, a mixture of genetic and biochemical studies has resulted in the elucidation of a signaling pathway that leads from growth factor receptors to Ras. After joining EGF, the EGF receptor tyrosine kinase is activated, which leads to receptor auto phosphorylation in multiple tyrosine residues. Signaling proteins with homology domains Src 2 (SH2) then bind to these phosphorylated residues in tyrosine, initiating multiple signaling cascades. Distinct of these SH2 area proteins, Grb2, exists in the cytoplasm in a preformed complex with a second protein, Son of Sevenless (Sos), which can catalyze the Ras GTP / GDP exchange. After stimulation of the growth factor, the phosphorylated EGF receptor with tyrosine binds to the Grb2 / Sos complex and translocates it to the plasma membrane. It is believed that this translocation brings Sos closer to Ras, which leads to the activation of Ras. In dissimilarity, the insulin receptor does not bind Grb2 directly, but rather induces the tyrosine phosphorylation of two proteins, the substrate-1 insulin receptor and Shc, which bind to the Grb2 / Sos complex. Once Ras is activated, a cascade of protein kinases that are important in a myriad of growth factor responses is stimulated.
"a quantity representing the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere or a gas."
A chemical bond is defined as the force which helps to bind more than two atoms in a molecule. There are different types of chemical bonding are present in molecules such as:
1) Ionic bonding: Because of the transfer of electrons it is present in ionic compounds. BaS is an example of ionic bonding which is containing some covalent character.
2) Covenant bonding: Because of the sharing of electrons it forms molecules. Rubber is the example of covalent bonding with some van der walls.
3) Metallic bonding: In the free state it is present in atoms of metal such as Brass is a good example of a metallic bonding because it is a metal alloy.
4) Van der walls bonding: In atoms, It includes repulsion and attraction. Solid xenon is the example of Van der wall bonding because it is an inert gas.
The classifying of organisms is called "Taxonomy" or the second option. Taxonomy mainly takes place with organisms although it could be used to classify anything. Taxonomy consists of a graph with eight categories all used to classify a living organism.
Hope this helps!