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An infrared spectrometer on Dawn found something unexpected on Ceres's surface. Its presence suggested that Ceres might have formed farther from the Sun, or been impacted by objects from a more-distant part of the solar system. What was this finding?
1. The fact that Ceres is covered with small dark particles that appear identical to the composition of Uranus's rings.
2. The presence of a thick cloud layer made of sulfuric acid, similar to what is observed at Venus.
3. The presence of clay-like minerals with ammonia bound up in them.
4. The infrared spectrum of Ceres's surface is essentially identical to that of most objects in the Kuiper Belt.
Answer: 3. The presence of clay-like minerals with ammonia bound up in them.
Explanation: The discovery of ammonia clay-like minerals in Ceres is surprising because it would be encoutered in planets that are far from the Sun, since ammonia requires colder temperatures, which is found beyond Jupiter's orbit, to condense. This finding can ascertain not only the origins of the dwarf planet as how the solar system was formed, were organized and evolved, because understanding where smaller planets are formed is important to determine their destiny.
Humanity's "big science" experiments like the "Large Hadron Collider (LHC)" are by themselves not problems to be condemned. They show man's unending quests for answers: to discover their environment and its origin. Similar philosophical quests were summed up by St. Augustine, who noted that "our souls are restless until they find rest in GOD."
Humanity will continue such experiments, the costs notwithstanding, until we come to faith in Yahweh, who is the creator of heaven and earth and in His Son. When that faith is attained, our understanding will become complete. We can then divert the billions to discover the future and not the past.
That scientists are spending billions of dollars on the "Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in Europe is a necessary evil. Such billions of dollars are actually the required costs to acquire more knowledge about the created universe. But, ordinary knowledge puffs. It is only divine knowledge backed up by Faith in the Savior of the universe that is the antidote to prideful knowledge.
The says that "the most significant discovery to come from the LHC so far is the discovery of the Higgs boson (or the “God particle”) in 2012." Nobel Prize-winning physicist Leon Lederman referred to the Higgs boson as the "God d..n Particle." While he was intending to describe how difficult it was to detect the particle, he did not realize that he was 100% correct in the naming. This discovered elementary particle (otherwise named the Higgs boson or the "God particle") proves that the particle force energy primarily originates from God.
Without God, there is no primary particle force energy which can give rise to the "big bang" theory. God is that "invisible, universe-wide field that gave mass to all matter right after the Big Bang, forcing particles to coalesce into stars, planets, and everything else," according to Peter Higgs and Francois Englert (1964). God also caused the Big Bang.
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The Hertzsprung- Russel diagram is used to how the relationship between the absolute magnitudes of stars and their effective temperatures.
Answer: the system of varying successive crops in a definite order on the same ground, especially to avoid depleting the soil and to control weeds, diseases, and pests.