A worn inner CV joint often makes a clunking noise during starts and stops.
I think it’s D ?? I’m not completely sure tho
See explaination and attachment.
Iteration method is a repetitive method applied until the desired result is achieved.
Let the given equation be f(x) = 0 and the value of x to be determined. By using the Iteration method you can find the roots of the equation. To find the root of the equation first we have to write equation like below
x = pi(x)
Let x=x0 be an initial approximation of the required root α then the first approximation x1 is given by x1 = pi(x0).
Similarly for second, thrid and so on. approximation
x2 = pi(x1)
x3 = pi(x2)
x4 = pi(x3)
xn = pi(xn-1).
please go to attachment for the step by step solution.
Lets make use of these variables
Ox 16.5 kpsi, and Oy --14,5 kpsi
To determine the factor of safety for the states of plane stress. We have to first understand the concept of Coulomb-Mohr theory.
Mohr–Coulomb theory is a mathematical model describing the response of brittle materials such as concrete, or rubble piles, to shear stress as well as normal stress.
Please refer to attachment for the step by step solution.