How to convert 45 gal to kg? You can use the following formula to convert from Gallon to Kilograms :
X(kg) = y(gal) / 0.264172053
To convert 45 Gallon to Kilograms:
X(oz) = 45(gal) / 0.264172053
Answer: 170.3435 kg
A low electronegativity
Potassium is a metal that is expected to have a very low electronegativity value.
Electronegativity is the relative tendency by which an atom attracts valence electrons in a chemical bond.
Potassium is an element in the first group on the periodic table.
The common trend is that electronegativity increases from left to right and decreases down a group.
- Potassium as metal will prefer to lose electrons rather than attracting because that will make it achieve the octet configuration that will ensure its stability.
- This is why it will have low electronegativity.
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Weathering, Erosion
Plants and animals can be agents of mechanical weathering. The seed of a tree may sprout in soil that has collected in a cracked rock. As the roots grow, they widen the cracks, eventually breaking the rock into pieces. Over time, trees can break apart even large rocks.
Tree root systems have a handful of large roots that branch out into a network of smaller roots that often extend out far beyond their branches do. These root systems prevent erosion by holding the soil in place and improving drainage which helps water get absorbed into the soil instead of just running over the top.
Hope this helps
All the love, Ya boi Fraser :)
Non-polar covalent
Propane is made up of non-polar covalent bonds and it can be expected to dissolve in hexane and to not dissolve in water.
Propane is an hydrocarbon gas.
It forms by sharing of electrons between two atoms with very low electronegativity differences.
This differences results in equal sharing of the shared electron. Therefore they form a non-polar covalent bond.
Water is a polar covalent compound and cannot dissolve compounds that are not polar like propane.
Propane will only dissolve in a like substance like hexane which is equally non-polar.
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Covalent compounds