d. 50 C
In this problem, we have to add 800 ml of water at 20 Celsius to 800 ml of water at 80 Celsius.
According to the 2nd law of thermodynamics, heat transfers from hot to cold temperature.
The quantity of both the different waters is equal so this makes it very easy. All we have to do is find the mean of both the temperatures:
Final temperature = (20 C + 80 C)/2
= 50 Celsius
To solve this problem it is necessary to apply the concepts related to wavelength depending on the frequency and speed. Mathematically, the wavelength can be expressed as

v = Velocity
f = Frequency,
Our values are given as
L = 3.6m
v= 192m/s
f= 320Hz
Replacing we have that

The total number of 'wavelengths' that will be in the string will be subject to the total length over the size of each of these undulations, that is,

Therefore the number of wavelengths of the wave fit on the string is 6.
The number of protons can be found by looking at the atomic number
Its at the very top of the little element box
Have everything in control and in order and discuss about different issues.
A gas heated to millions of degrees would emit mostly x-rays.