-- If the system is 'closed', then nothing ... including energy ... can get in or out, and the total energy inside has to be constant.
If half of the energy in the system starts out as potential energy and the rest starts out as kinetic, and then the potential energy increases, there's only one place the increase could have come from ... it could only have been converted from kinetic energy. So the <em>kinetic energy</em> in the system <em>must</em> <em>decrease</em>.
In fact, this isn't even a "result". The kinetic energy has to decrease <em><u>before</u></em> the potential energy can increase, because that's where the increase has to come from.
If the system is 'open', then energy can come in and go out. If the potential energy inside suddenly increases, we don't know where it came from, so we can't say anything about what happens to the system.
Gravity and
Air resistance
The two forces acting on a skydiver are gravitational force and air resistance.
Gravitational force is a force that tends to pull all massive bodies towards the center of the earth. It works on all bodies that has mass. The larger or bigger the mass, the more the pull of gravity on the body.
Air resistance is the drag of air on a body as it passes to it. It is resisting force.
- When a sky diver jumps out of a plane, he/she encounters both gravity and air resistance.
- It soon balances both force and attain terminal velocity.
- Air resistance is a frictional force that opposes motion.
- This frictional force pushes in the opposite direction of motion
- Motion direction is downward due to the celerity caused by gravity.
In SI units, its acceleration is (the distance from A to C) / 32 m/s^2 .
Image result for What do executive departments do?
Under Article II of the Constitution, the President is responsible for the execution and enforcement of laws created by Congress. Fifteen executive departments—each led by an appointed member of the President's Cabinet—carry out the day-to-day administration of the Federal Government.
The Cabinet and independent federal agencies are responsible for the day-to-day enforcement and administration of federal laws. ... Fifteen executive departments — each led by an appointed member of the President's Cabinet — carry out the day-to-day administration of the federal government.