In two reactions energy is released.
1) C₆H₁₂O₆ + 6O₂ → 6H₂O + 6CO₂ + heat
It is cellular respiration reaction.It involves the breakdown of glucose molecule in the presence of oxygen to yield large amount of energy. Water and carbon dioxide are also produced as a byproduct.
Glucose + oxygen → carbon dioxide + water + 38ATP
2) 2H₂ + O₂ → 2H₂O ΔH = -486 kj/mol
The given reaction is formation of water. In this reaction oxygen and hydrogen react to form water and 486 kj/mol is also released.
The reaction in which heat is released is called exothermic reaction.
Exothermic reaction:
The type of reactions in which energy is released are called exothermic reactions.
In this type of reaction energy needed to break the bonds are less than the energy released during the bond formation.
For example:
Chemical equation:
C + O₂ → CO₂
ΔH = -393 Kj/mol
it can be written as,
C + O₂ → CO₂ + 393 Kj/mol
Endothermic reactions:
The type of reactions in which energy is absorbed are called endothermic reactions.
In this type of reaction energy needed to break the bond are higher than the energy released during bond formation.
For example:
C + H₂O → CO + H₂
ΔH = +131 kj/mol
it can be written as,
C + H₂O + 131 kj/mol → CO + H₂
Decreasing surface area of the solid in the liquid.
I don't know how to explain this without using. an example. So, here it is: If you were dipping bread in water, the bread would be completely soaked if you dipped the whole thing, but if you only allowed one part of the bread to be in the water, it would take longer for the water to soak all the way into it. The amount of surface area that is allowed to touch what is making the solid dissolve determines how quickly the whole thing will be dissolved.
Alter means change or cause something in character