Even though a lot of people consider online job searches very inefficient, because generally you need to apply to more than 40 jobs in order to get an interview (at least through Skype), no one can deny that they are useful. They require a lot of time, and yes, your chances are not that great. And the process seems to be getting more inefficient, but it is not the fault of the process itself. In this case, the saying "don't blame the players, blame the game" doesn't apply.
Online job sites are victims of their own success. They have so many applicants that it is really hard to manage the numbers. Imagine, someone in Alaska can apply for a job in Florida, and the odds are that he/she has never ever been in Florida. Online job searches are extremely popular and open for everyone.
But sometimes only searching for a job online is not enough, you should also consider personal references about job opening in different companies, trade journals, calling your college for any open job searches and also using employment agencies.
This is why Miguel's strategy is much better and probably more efficient than Dean's because instead of focusing on only one place to search for jobs, Miguel is looking everywhere he can.