A chemical bond to form in a chemical compound must be formed by two or more atoms attracted to one another.
Cell wall - Adds structural support to the cell. Holds the cells together
Cell membrane - Serves as a barrier to the cell and allows more nutrient and molecules to move in and out of the cell without letting things that can harm the cell in.
Outer membrane - Serves the same basic functions a the cell membrane. (Depending on how complicated the class your in is, I would visit this website for more information... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bacterial_outer_membrane )
Pili - Help the cell move and attach the bacteria to surfaces are other cells.
DNA - Contains the genetic instructions on what the cell can physically do, operate, and reproduce.
Flagellum - Helps the cell move. It kind of acts like a propeller for the cell so that it can move around.
Answer:Una célula pasa por cuatro etapas a lo largo de su vida, que son: el nacimiento, el crecimiento, la diferenciación y la reproducción o muerte celular.
El proceso por el cual nace una célula a partir de otra preexistente se denomina división celular. El mecanismo que da origen a un nuevo individuo, en organismos unicelulares, es decir, organismos formados por una sola célula, se produce para aumentar el tamaño de su población, mientras que en organismos pluricelulares, este proceso funciona para aumentar el número de células y el reemplazo de células que se encuentren dañadas o muertas.
El ciclo celular se define como el conjunto de transformaciones que sufren las células para generar dos células hijas.
Este ciclo está formado por tres fases: la interfase, la mitosis y la ciclo
e. secretion, absorption and chemical protection
Epithelial tissues is responsible for the protection of the skin, absorption of nutrients during digestion and secretion of waste materials. These tissues form covering to all body surfaces. They also perform a variety of other functions such as excretion of waste substances, filtration of air from dirt and particles and clean the air that is inhaled, diffusion, and sensory reception.
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