<em><u />the correct option is <u>c ) 10,000...</u>
an acid which is more acidic than 6 pH will be of pH 5 acid because if one acid is stronger than the other acid than its magnitude of strength is 1000... it is constant always...</em>
Electron was discovered by J. J. Thomson in 1897 when he was studying the properties of cathode ray.
Properties describe physical matter.
Answer is: a mixture.
Crude oil is mixture (solution) consist of several different hydrocarbons (alkanes, alkenes...). This hydroalkanes can be separated from mixture (crude oil) using distilation (usually fractional distillation), because they have different boiling points.
Proportion of hydrocarbons is diiferent in varios parts of the world.
Solution is homogeneous mixture composed of two or more substances.