From the atmosphere to the hydrosphere by diffusion.
From the atmosphere to the biosphere by photosynthesis.
From the atmosphere to the geosphere by rainfall.
Carbon atom goes from the atmosphere to the hydrosphere by the process of diffusion because there is high concentration of carbondioxide present in the atmosphere. The carbon atom goes from the atmosphere to the biosphere by the process of photosynthesis in plants which uses carbondioxide gas as a raw material in the process for the preparation of organic compounds such as glucose. The carbon atom goes from the atmosphere to the geosphere with the help of rain. When carbondioxide gas react with water in the atmosphere, carbonic acid is formed and comes to the ground through rainfall.
The objects mass I took physical science
Towards the big bully
If a big bully and a small child are involved in a thug of war, it is clear that the bully is stronger than the child and he/she will pull the rope used in the thug of war with a greater force.
By so doing, the ball attached at the centre of the rope will naturally be drawn towards the stronger bully.