Hi uhh i've never really typed in Spanish but here I go! :)
Un ano luz es equivalente a 9.467 PM
The result is 3.859 in which we use four significant figures.
We start by solving the mathematical operation :
The result for the operation is 3.859438 but the numbers in the operation are given with four significant figures and that is why we are going to use four significant figures to express the result
To express 3.859438 with four significant figures we use the first four digits that appear from left to right starting by the first digit that is different to zero
In this case : 3.859 will be the result with four significant figures.
We also use a rule that says : To decide if the last significant figure remains the same we look for the value of the digit at its right.
If that number is greater than or equal to 5 ⇒ we sum one to the last significant figure
For example 3.859738 = 3.860 with four significant figures because the ''7'' is greater that 5
If that number is less than 5 ⇒ the last significant figure remains the same
In our case : 3.859438 = 3.859 because ''4'' is less than ''5''
there is no question to answer :(
This is what I put, it hasn't been graded though...
Within the system, the energy is flowing from your hand to the ice cream cone. Energy is also flowing from the surroundings to the ice cream cone unless it's reeeeaally cold in the surroundings in which case why are you even holding an ice cream cone when it's that cold?