No they do not they just need to be in each other's magnetic field
<u>Answer:</u> runoff water is water from rain, snow, or other sources, that flows through the land, and is a major component of the water cycle.
by dividing 2000N and 1000kg.
<h3>JAWAB SECEPATNYA pliss</h3><h3 /><h3>Anda memiliki rangkaian paralel 10 volt, dengan 2 resistor di atasnya. Berapakah tegangan pada</h3><h3>resistor pertama? Di seberang kedua?</h3><h3 /><h3>(saya akan menandai tercerdas tolong bantu)</h3>
Hukum Ohm
= tegangan
= kuat arus
= ketahanan
Kalau kamu mau mencari tegangan listrik, kamu gunakan rumus V = I.R. Kalau ternyata kamu perlu mencari kuat arus listrik, maka gunakan rumus I = V/R. Nah, kalau yang kamu cari adalah hambatan listrik, maka gunakan rumus R = V/I.
Angular frequency will increase
No change in the amplitude
At extreme end of the SHM the energy of the SHM is given by

here we know that

now at the extreme end when one of the mass is removed from it
then in that case the angular frequency will change

So angular frequency will increase
but the position of extreme end will not change as it is given here that the top block is removed without disturbing the lower block
so here no change in the amplitude